Traditional communication

Traditional communicationTraditional communication
  1. In what degree this impact occurs on traditional communication effect theory ?


  2. Compared with three traditional communication media . that is . newspaper .


  3. The IP access network is a technology for providing traditional communication services in the Internet .


  4. The crisis is more prominent especially in the operation of traditional communication network Operators .


  5. In traditional communication power monitoring system , the cable such is the leading way to transmit data .


  6. Traditional communication network and protocols can 't meet the requirements of real-time multimedia collaboration .


  7. The traditional communication methods including power line carrier , microwave , optical and spread spectrum communications .


  8. As the typical and traditional communication industry , post is facing the complex effects from informatization .


  9. 21st century is the era of networks . The popularity of internet has affected traditional communication means .


  10. With the development of information technology , the traditional communication networks have become unable to meet the needs of daily life .


  11. Along with development of avionic systems , the transmission rate of traditional communication methods cannot meet the developing demands .


  12. Internet Communication has faltered and changed the sender 's position and form in traditional communication pattern ;


  13. It has become an unchangeable trend that the traditional communication network is changing into the IP technology totally .


  14. It is not only the extension of vessel 's traditional communication services but also a supplement for satellite communication .


  15. The appearance of Anti Spiral of Silence is an inevitable result when the traditional communication theory met the internet .


  16. With the rapid integration of computer , communication and mobile Internet industry development , the traditional communication enterprises facing development opportunities and challenges .


  17. In twenty-first Century the Internet communication , is subverting our traditional communication environment , affects our daily social life .


  18. With the people 's mind advancement and market competition intensifies , the traditional communication methods don 't meet the demand of people .


  19. Based upon the requirement analysis on the communication system of distribution management system , this paper describes the shortcomings and strong points of traditional communication media .


  20. With the continuous developing of communication and the complexity its environment , the traditional communication technology is hard to meet the necessity of communication countermeasures .


  21. Radio and Internet , combined with the traditional communication space , expanded the influence for radio broadcast , provides unlimited extension of development .


  22. Mobile terminal marketing channel is different from traditional communication service channel and IT products marketing channel , it has its own features and developing modes .


  23. Our mobile internet advertising Industry still focused on the traditional communication industry , they still lack the editing system , management model as a mutual media .


  24. Network telephone technology is a new and pure application of network technology , totally different from traditional communication technologies and with essential differences from IP telephone .


  25. Is analyzed and discussed , and a XML-based semantic communication frame of cooperative agent is presented by combining XML and traditional communication language of agent .


  26. It uses plenty of symbols , makes multi-medium come true , especially the Internet language which reforms and surpasses traditional communication symbols ;


  27. Followed by a discussion on the traditional communication protocol in wireless communication field and the problem of its unsuitably in the underwater acoustic channels .


  28. Compared with solutions based on traditional communication mode , this one prevails with the better positioning precision and accuracy , larger communication covering area and lower cost .


  29. The network , in comparison to traditional communication technologies , features ultra-high security and is able to ward off hackers by using quantum photons .


  30. Based on communicational function of traditional communication media , this article aims to explore into the new social function of networking media on the epoch of internet .
